Package index
- Parse a scored BED file and exports a bigWig file with given chromsizes
- Build a unscored bins GRanges object.
- Build a tiles GRanges out of a bigWig file on a given bin size.
- Build a binned-scored GRanges object from a set of bigWig files
- Calculate bigWig global coverage.
- Calculate heatmap matrix of a bigWig file over a GRanges or BED file
- Score a bigWig file list and a BED file or GRanges object.
- Calculate profile values of a bigWig file over a BED file.
- Aggregate scores of a GRanges object on a field
- Score a GRanges object against a BigWig file
- Calculate profile values of a bigWig file over GRanges object.
- Calculate a normalized heatmap matrix for a bigWig file over a BED file
- Calculate matrix for stretch mode
- Calculate color limits from a value matrix and provided parameters
- Summary heatmap colorscale.
- Internal processing of loci sets and labels.
- Density 2d histogram plot
- Make a BigWigFile object out of a path or an URL
- Filter scatterplot data with quantile threshold on both axes
- Filter violin plot data with quantile threshold
- Get matching parameters of a target function with current context
- GRanges left join operation
- Helper function for matrix heatmap plot
- Helper function for calculating guide lines and labels in heatmap
- Intersect a BigWig file over loci on a GRanges object
- Check if a variable contains a list of things or array of potentially file names
- Make a string out of a named list.
- Label loci with a list of labels
- Make a string out of a named list. Split into lines if too wide.
- Checks how many loci
- Processes a loci and returns a GRanges object. Removes anything that is not a name field
- Make a string to put as caption in verbose mode. Includes system date.
- Get a valid label
- Generate a human-readable normalization function string including
- Generate a human-readable normalization function string
- Match seqname lists and throws the relevant warning
- Intersect a list of bigWig files with a GRanges object
- Intersect a list of bigWig files with a GRanges object and aggregate by name
- Intersect a list of bigWig files with a GRanges object (with background)
- Calculate overlap of one GRanges with a main GRanges object
- Take a column of a data frame to use as row names, drop such column and reorder the data frame so row names follow natural order.
- Preprocess heatmap values for plotting
- Get a function out of a norm mode string.
- Helper function plots a profile from a dataframe
- Compute where the break ticks go in heatmap and profile
- Make profile labels
- Remove top loci in a GRanges column by mean of specified values
- Round a value. If it's NULL, returns NULL.
- Scatterplot of values in a GRanges object with mcols x and y
- Summarize a intersect_bw_and_granges matrix
- Helper function for plotting a summary matrix
- Set default theme as classic with larger font size
- Truncate a string to a max length
- Validate a category array
- Validate an array of paths
- Validate that group col exists in granges
- Validate that a locus parameter is valid. Checks for paths and also whether the parameter is otherwise a GRanges object, which is also valid.
- Validate profile and heatmap relevant parameters
- Check that a list of bigWig files have the same Seqinfo. Throws a warning if they don't.
- Check that a list of bigWig files have the same Seqinfo as an external object (usually a pre-built tile set). Throws a warning if they don't.
- Internal function to plot ranges in violin plot with a highlighted GRanges.
- Return the full path of a test file in wigglescout package
- Get heatmap fixture from bw_heatmap for test plotting
- Return the full path of a test file in wigglescout package
- Filter out unplaced contigs and uncharacterized chromosomes from a GRanges object.
- Create a self-destructing local temporary bigwig based on a BED file and chromsizes array.
- Make a mock object that returns bins GRanges for test plotting
- Make a mock object that returns bins GRanges for test plotting
- Make a mock object from a fixture that has a profile result from bw_profile for test plotting
- Make a mock object from a fixture that has a summary result from bw_heatmap for test plotting
- Make example test tiles
- Bin-based 2d histogram of a pair of bigWig files
- Bin-based scatterplot of a pair of bigWig files
- Bin-based violin plot of a set of bigWig files
- Plot a heatmap of a given bigWig file over a set of loci
- Locus-based scatterplot of a pair of bigWig files
- Summary heatmap of a categorized BED or GRanges object
- Profile plot of a set of bigWig files
- Density plot of a precalculated GRanges object
- Scatterplot of a precalculated GRanges object
- Violin plot of a precalculated GRanges object
- Build a tiles GRanges out of a bigWig file on a given bin size.