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Calculates profile values of a set of tracks over the loci speficied in a BED file. Data points are taken each bin_size base pairs.


  bg_bwfiles = NULL,
  loci = NULL,
  labels = NULL,
  mode = "stretch",
  bin_size = 100,
  upstream = 2500,
  downstream = 2500,
  middle = NULL,
  ignore_strand = FALSE,
  norm_mode = "fc",
  remove_top = 0,
  default_na = NA_real_,
  scaling = "none"



Path or array of paths to the bigWig files to be summarized.


Path or array of paths to the bigWig files to be used as background.


BED file or GRanges to summarize


List of names to give to the mcols of the returned GRanges object. If NULL, file names are used.


How to handle differences in lengths across loci:

stretch: Anchor each locus on both sides.

start: Anchor all loci on start.

end: Anchor all loci on end.

center: Center all loci.


Bin size. Length of bin in base pairs. The lower, the higher the resolution.


Number of base pairs to include upstream of loci.


Number of base pairs to include downstream of loci.


Number of base pairs that the middle section has (in stretch mode). If not provided, median length of all loci is used.


Whether to use strand information in BED file.


Function to apply to normalize bin values. Default fc: divides bw / bg. Alternative: log2fc: returns log2(bw/bg).


Return range 0-(1-remove_top). By default returns the whole distribution (remove_top == 0).


Default value for missing values


Whether to use the bigWig values as they are (none - default) or calculate relative enrichment (relative) by dividing values by global average.


a data frame in long format


Loci are aligned depending on mode parameter:

  • stretch. Aligns all starts and all ends, sort of stretching the loci. The median of these lenghts is taken as the pseudo-length in order to show a realistic plot when displayed.

  • start. All loci are aligned by start.

  • end. All loci are aligned by end.

  • center. All loci are aligned by center.


# Get the raw files
bed <- system.file("extdata", "sample_genes_mm9.bed", package="wigglescout")
bw <- system.file("extdata", "", package="wigglescout")
bw2 <- system.file("extdata",
                   "", package="wigglescout")

# Profiles are returned in long format and include mean, median and stderror
bw_profile(bw, loci = bed, mode = "stretch")
#>        mean   sderror   median index          sample
#> 1  2.651766 0.4211416 1.868056     1 sample_H33_ChIP
#> 2  2.353699 0.3952149 1.744718     2 sample_H33_ChIP
#> 3  2.372053 0.4093088 1.675340     3 sample_H33_ChIP
#> 4  2.516681 0.2644566 2.112161     4 sample_H33_ChIP
#> 5  2.288359 0.2839340 1.683047     5 sample_H33_ChIP
#> 6  2.415918 0.3109912 1.837221     6 sample_H33_ChIP
#> 7  2.256240 0.3219986 1.428663     7 sample_H33_ChIP
#> 8  2.446569 0.2598446 2.232930     8 sample_H33_ChIP
#> 9  2.670303 0.2688390 2.307446     9 sample_H33_ChIP
#> 10 2.729953 0.3336880 2.461619    10 sample_H33_ChIP
#> 11 2.589913 0.2979482 2.258625    11 sample_H33_ChIP
#> 12 2.836956 0.3623161 2.669751    12 sample_H33_ChIP
#> 13 2.503650 0.2598396 2.448771    13 sample_H33_ChIP
#> 14 2.965801 0.3900738 2.854759    14 sample_H33_ChIP
#> 15 2.999204 0.4036154 2.507870    15 sample_H33_ChIP
#> 16 3.028204 0.4874518 2.471897    16 sample_H33_ChIP
#> 17 3.386287 0.6245647 2.235501    17 sample_H33_ChIP
#> 18 3.700873 0.7401184 2.556693    18 sample_H33_ChIP
#> 19 3.609102 0.5534036 3.032059    19 sample_H33_ChIP
#> 20 3.701056 0.5778502 3.003792    20 sample_H33_ChIP
#> 21 3.428869 0.5597654 2.405090    21 sample_H33_ChIP
#> 22 3.949016 0.6592606 2.949832    22 sample_H33_ChIP
#> 23 3.247899 0.4771775 2.590096    23 sample_H33_ChIP
#> 24 3.229546 0.4894977 2.058201    24 sample_H33_ChIP
#> 25 3.079227 0.4333806 2.497594    25 sample_H33_ChIP
#> 26 3.639487 0.3295900 3.067325    26 sample_H33_ChIP
#> 27 3.615557 0.3111358 3.394724    27 sample_H33_ChIP
#> 28 3.114177 0.2877722 2.646299    28 sample_H33_ChIP
#> 29 3.087110 0.2202857 2.971876    29 sample_H33_ChIP
#> 30 2.889450 0.2188670 2.972835    30 sample_H33_ChIP
#> 31 2.875842 0.2616709 2.387392    31 sample_H33_ChIP
#> 32 2.929630 0.3522394 2.125642    32 sample_H33_ChIP
#> 33 3.015563 0.3073536 2.458524    33 sample_H33_ChIP
#> 34 3.262732 0.3419128 2.545657    34 sample_H33_ChIP
#> 35 3.247373 0.3754521 2.880982    35 sample_H33_ChIP
#> 36 2.866761 0.3246729 2.409001    36 sample_H33_ChIP
#> 37 3.005472 0.3119875 2.753080    37 sample_H33_ChIP
#> 38 2.837359 0.3052706 2.548127    38 sample_H33_ChIP
#> 39 2.783164 0.2945724 2.463294    39 sample_H33_ChIP
#> 40 2.764363 0.2670326 2.307549    40 sample_H33_ChIP
#> 41 2.304252 0.2265529 2.403486    41 sample_H33_ChIP
#> 42 2.184851 0.2097188 1.877814    42 sample_H33_ChIP
#> 43 2.464733 0.2289928 2.594486    43 sample_H33_ChIP
#> 44 2.691855 0.2693417 2.539616    44 sample_H33_ChIP
#> 45 2.486217 0.2913635 2.108200    45 sample_H33_ChIP
#> 46 2.935590 0.3138470 2.815516    46 sample_H33_ChIP
#> 47 2.968804 0.3694925 2.486643    47 sample_H33_ChIP
#> 48 3.270211 0.4223941 2.603432    48 sample_H33_ChIP
#> 49 3.315354 0.3763270 2.815344    49 sample_H33_ChIP
#> 50 3.184501 0.3060692 2.718847    50 sample_H33_ChIP
#> 51 3.199918 0.3176035 3.066064    51 sample_H33_ChIP
#> 52 3.483032 0.3648622 3.841766    52 sample_H33_ChIP
#> 53 3.384507 0.3127053 3.642152    53 sample_H33_ChIP
#> 54 3.817368 0.3883696 3.355289    54 sample_H33_ChIP
#> 55 3.434996 0.3796849 3.155996    55 sample_H33_ChIP
#> 56 3.562528 0.3944338 3.124369    56 sample_H33_ChIP
#> 57 3.833116 0.4650076 3.173232    57 sample_H33_ChIP
#> 58 3.619649 0.4051178 3.533681    58 sample_H33_ChIP
#> 59 3.932313 0.4788887 3.552670    59 sample_H33_ChIP
#> 60 4.024829 0.4890062 3.387589    60 sample_H33_ChIP
#> 61 3.781616 0.4874027 2.603114    61 sample_H33_ChIP
#> 62 3.744094 0.4913049 3.453766    62 sample_H33_ChIP
#> 63 3.630780 0.4449057 3.087544    63 sample_H33_ChIP
#> 64 4.185833 0.5204512 3.224522    64 sample_H33_ChIP
#> 65 3.549521 0.4470859 2.678337    65 sample_H33_ChIP
#> 66 3.624105 0.4487285 3.117284    66 sample_H33_ChIP
#> 67 4.186247 0.4988139 3.857999    67 sample_H33_ChIP
#> 68 4.398364 0.5437542 3.731710    68 sample_H33_ChIP
#> 69 4.186880 0.5684283 4.162147    69 sample_H33_ChIP
#> 70 4.541604 0.6031076 4.152863    70 sample_H33_ChIP
#> 71 4.882680 0.6583484 3.330124    71 sample_H33_ChIP
#> 72 4.434294 0.6184024 2.805938    72 sample_H33_ChIP
#> 73 4.465311 0.5204311 3.211924    73 sample_H33_ChIP
#> 74 4.586631 0.5179597 3.784932    74 sample_H33_ChIP
#> 75 5.412189 0.6808004 4.478709    75 sample_H33_ChIP
#> 76 5.130822 0.5404398 5.056854    76 sample_H33_ChIP
#> 77 4.772371 0.5835512 3.497144    77 sample_H33_ChIP
#> 78 4.788891 0.5987570 4.242311    78 sample_H33_ChIP
#> 79 4.642610 0.5283055 4.316828    79 sample_H33_ChIP
#> 80 4.774207 0.5970659 4.409330    80 sample_H33_ChIP
#> 81 5.120912 0.7053851 3.702708    81 sample_H33_ChIP
#> 82 4.547538 0.5918970 3.625621    82 sample_H33_ChIP
#> 83 4.387126 0.6446382 3.304428    83 sample_H33_ChIP
#> 84 4.410434 0.5801318 3.330123    84 sample_H33_ChIP
#> 85 4.598745 0.5873002 3.309566    85 sample_H33_ChIP
#> 86 4.879927 0.6950630 2.482175    86 sample_H33_ChIP
#> 87 4.236072 0.5543600 2.795659    87 sample_H33_ChIP
#> 88 4.839732 0.6169402 3.612772    88 sample_H33_ChIP
#> 89 4.661699 0.6013412 2.931846    89 sample_H33_ChIP
#> 90 4.404561 0.5651088 3.810628    90 sample_H33_ChIP
#> 91 4.019680 0.4757994 3.006362    91 sample_H33_ChIP
#> 92 4.426952 0.5882985 4.100985    92 sample_H33_ChIP
#> 93 4.569928 0.5732725 3.224773    93 sample_H33_ChIP
#> 94 4.322334 0.4856785 3.736111    94 sample_H33_ChIP
#> 95 4.874971 0.6007702 3.954522    95 sample_H33_ChIP

bw_profile(bw, loci = bed, mode = "start",
           upstream = 1000, downstream = 1500)
#>        mean   sderror   median index          sample
#> 1  3.028204 0.4874518 2.471897     1 sample_H33_ChIP
#> 2  3.386287 0.6245647 2.235501     2 sample_H33_ChIP
#> 3  3.700873 0.7401184 2.556693     3 sample_H33_ChIP
#> 4  3.609102 0.5534036 3.032059     4 sample_H33_ChIP
#> 5  3.701056 0.5778502 3.003792     5 sample_H33_ChIP
#> 6  3.428869 0.5597654 2.405090     6 sample_H33_ChIP
#> 7  3.949016 0.6592606 2.949832     7 sample_H33_ChIP
#> 8  3.247899 0.4771775 2.590096     8 sample_H33_ChIP
#> 9  3.229546 0.4894977 2.058201     9 sample_H33_ChIP
#> 10 3.079227 0.4333806 2.497594    10 sample_H33_ChIP
#> 11 3.460437 0.3494176 2.996084    11 sample_H33_ChIP
#> 12 3.469246 0.2405814 2.898442    12 sample_H33_ChIP
#> 13 3.381148 0.3136780 3.032057    13 sample_H33_ChIP
#> 14 3.660127 0.3422368 3.309567    14 sample_H33_ChIP
#> 15 3.733174 0.2724274 3.535686    15 sample_H33_ChIP
#> 16 3.662145 0.3113339 3.353250    16 sample_H33_ChIP
#> 17 3.398767 0.3298550 2.978097    17 sample_H33_ChIP
#> 18 3.589647 0.3335419 3.399501    18 sample_H33_ChIP
#> 19 3.318746 0.3828422 3.006362    19 sample_H33_ChIP
#> 20 3.207521 0.3832718 2.733991    20 sample_H33_ChIP
#> 21 3.188432 0.3926917 2.620930    21 sample_H33_ChIP
#> 22 3.133921 0.3670644 2.649196    22 sample_H33_ChIP
#> 23 2.840810 0.3200884 2.477036    23 sample_H33_ChIP
#> 24 2.856044 0.2712727 2.895871    24 sample_H33_ChIP
#> 25 2.928174 0.2922429 2.644057    25 sample_H33_ChIP