Calculate a normalized heatmap matrix for a bigWig file over a BED file
Calculate a normalized heatmap matrix for a bigWig file over a BED file
bg_bw = NULL,
mode = "stretch",
bin_size = 100,
upstream = 2500,
downstream = 2500,
middle = NULL,
ignore_strand = FALSE,
norm_func = identity,
remove_top = 0,
default_na = NA_real_,
scaling = "none"
- bw
BigWig file to be summarized.
- granges
GRanges object
- bg_bw
BigWig file to be used as background.
- mode
How to handle differences in lengths across loci:
stretch: Anchor each locus on both sides.
start: Anchor all loci on start.
end: Anchor all loci on end.
center: Center all loci.
- bin_size
Bin size. Length of bin in base pairs. The lower, the higher the resolution.
- upstream
Number of base pairs to include upstream of loci.
- downstream
Number of base pairs to include downstream of loci.
- middle
Number of base pairs that the middle section has (in stretch mode). If not provided, median length of all loci is used.
- ignore_strand
Whether to use strand information in BED file.
- norm_func
Normalization function
- remove_top
Return range 0-(1-remove_top). By default returns the whole distribution (remove_top == 0).
- default_na
Default value for missing values
- scaling
Whether to use the bigWig values as they are (none - default) or calculate relative enrichment (relative) by dividing values by global average.