Calculate profile values of a bigWig file over GRanges object.
Calculates profile values of a bigWig file over the loci speficied in a GRanges object. Data points are taken each bin_size base pairs.
bg_bw = NULL,
label = NULL,
mode = "stretch",
bin_size = 100,
upstream = 2500,
downstream = 2500,
middle = NULL,
ignore_strand = FALSE,
norm_func = identity,
remove_top = 0,
default_na = NA_real_,
scaling = "none"
- bw
BigWig file to be summarized.
- granges
GRanges object
- bg_bw
BigWig file to be used as background.
- label
Name to give to the values
- mode
How to handle differences in lengths across loci:
stretch: Anchor each locus on both sides.
start: Anchor all loci on start.
end: Anchor all loci on end.
center: Center all loci.
- bin_size
Bin size. Length of bin in base pairs. The lower, the higher the resolution.
- upstream
Number of base pairs to include upstream of loci.
- downstream
Number of base pairs to include downstream of loci.
- middle
Number of base pairs that the middle section has (in stretch mode). If not provided, median length of all loci is used.
- ignore_strand
Whether to use strand information in BED file.
- norm_func
Normalization function
- remove_top
Return range 0-(1-remove_top). By default returns the whole distribution (remove_top == 0).
- default_na
Default value for missing values
- scaling
Whether to use the bigWig values as they are (none - default) or calculate relative enrichment (relative) by dividing values by global average.
Loci are aligned depending on mode parameter:
stretch. Aligns all starts and all ends, sort of stretching the loci. The median of these lenghts is taken as the pseudo-length in order to show a realistic plot when displayed.
start. All loci are aligned by start.
end. All loci are aligned by end.
center. All loci are aligned by center.
Adapted from seqplots rtracklayer wrapper functions to compute coverage: For more on seqplots: