Build a binned-scored GRanges object from a list of bigWig files. The aggregating function per locus can be min, max, sd, mean.
per_locus_stat = "mean",
selection = NULL,
remove_top = 0,
default_na = NA_real_,
scaling = "none"
- bwfiles
Path or array of paths to the bigWig files to be summarized.
- labels
List of names to give to the mcols of the returned GRanges object. If NULL, file names are used.
- granges
GRanges object to intersect
- per_locus_stat
Aggregating function (per locus). Mean by default. Choices: min, max, sd, mean.
- selection
A GRanges object to restrict binning to a certain set of intervals. This is useful for debugging and improving performance of locus specific analyses.
- remove_top
Return range 0-(1-remove_top). By default returns the whole distribution (remove_top == 0).
- default_na
Default value for missing values
- scaling
If none, no operation is performed (default). If relative, values are divided by global mean (1x genome coverage).